4 Ways to Reduce Your Physical Therapy Clinic’s Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is the percentage of carbon produced from using water, creating waste, and traveling. While it’s nearly impossible to have a 0% carbon footprint, it is possible to reduce your percentage. Just like you as an individual have a carbon footprint, your physical therapy clinic has one too. From your clinic’s water usage…

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5 Signs You’re Burned Out as a Physical Therapist

Feeling tired, sluggish, and apathetic towards your staff, clinic, and patients? You’re not alone. Getting burnt out is a common side effect of being overworked and stressed out. All work and no play make you more than just dull. It can impact the quality of care and attention you give to your patients. Burnout can…

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3 Tips for Growing Your Practice During Hard Times

mountain climbing in the snow

Tough times don’t last but tough people do. While some brands seemed to take tough times (aka 2020) in stride, others struggled with the residual side effects of the pandemic. No matter how your physical therapy practice handled the pandemic, we all learned that no one is 100% immune from tough times. Here are the…

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5 Patient Engagement Tips To Utilize in the New Year

pine surrounding a happy new year chalk board

New year, new you! Make 2021 a better experience (like that will be hard). From personalization to leveraging technology, your physical therapy clinic can improve your patient engagement in a way that benefits both your clinic and patients. Make Initial Contact Memorable Personalize, personalize, personalize. Personalizing initial contact makes for a memorable experience. Physical therapy…

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