How to Keep Staff Motivated During the Winter

It’s cold, it’s dark when you wake up, it’s dark when you go home, and the high of the holidays has worn off. The cold reality of winter is setting in. This time of year can be difficult for people who struggle with seasonal depression. Your staff may feel less motivated and may be struggling with the lack of sunlight and chillier temps.

Help your staff stay motivated during this difficult time with these 4 tips

Schedule Fun Time

With the holidays over there’s not a whole lot to look forward to except for summer time! With summer being 6 months away, you’ll have to get a little creative to keep the spirits alive! Scheduling fun time, like a staff outing, can give everyone something to look forward to. Whether it’s an after work happy hour or an afternoon at Top Golf, keeping something fun on the calendar will help you and your staff stay positive.

Treat Your Staff

Who doesn’t love a mid-day treat? Whether it’s sending out for coffee for everyone or catering lunch in, treating your staff to something special while at work gives everybody that little boost they need to finish out the day. Ask your staff for their favorite lunch and coffee stops to make sure you’re picking a staff fav!

Listen to Upbeat Music

This time of year is already dreary enough; you don’t need a matching soundtrack. Make sure that you’ve got your clinic radio tuned to upbeat music. If you want to really have some fun, ask your staff to recommend their favorite feel good song to create a customized playlist for your clinic.

Make a Gratitude Board

Sometimes our dreary mood is a result of forgetting what we have. Creating a gratitude board for your clinic can help remind you and your staff what you have to be thankful for. From family to friends and even favorite meals, ask your clinic staff to post what they’re most thankful for. You should hang the board up where your staff will pass it on a regular basis so they always remember what they have to be grateful for.

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Brook Phillips