4 Ways to Set Your Team Up for Success in 2020

New year, new you! Get your team ready to rock 2020 by helping them set up for tomorrow, today. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Help your team start 2020 off on the right foot with these 4 tips!

Host a 1st of the Year Staff Meeting

Getting your staff prepped for success starts with making sure your goals and objectives are in alignment. Holding a 1st of the year staff meeting allows you and your staff to discuss personal and professional goals each of you have. Additionally, in this meeting you should aim to identify challenges and opportunities that are waiting for you in the new year.

Meeting Idea: Have your staff create a personal and professional SWOT analysis for themselves. Then create one for your clinic that everyone should be encouraged to share strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.


Success means a willingness to start fresh! Leave what is no longer serving you in 2019. Clean out your inbox (the spam folder, too), toss out old junk mail, clean out any junk drawers and closets, and organize any necessary equipment.

A clean space helps clear your mind. There’s nothing better than starting a new year with a clean inbox, office, and clinic! Encourage your staff to clean and de-clutter their own personal areas in and outside of the office.

Set Quarterly Goals

A goal without a plan is just a wish. You’re doing more than just wishing on shooting stars in 2020. Creating quarterly goals helps you break up your longterm goals into easy-to-digest and achieve actions that help you achieve what you want in 2020. You can create personal, health, professional, and financial quarterly goals for yourself and your clinic.

Re-evaluate Your Schedule

You’re so used to scheduling patients and your staff that you’ve probably let scheduling time for your self fall to the wayside. Sit down and re-evaluate what you schedule looks like for 2020. Try to find ways in which you can incorporate more self-care time and fun time! When you’re rested and refreshed, you’re able to give 100% to your staff, clinic, and patients.

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Brook Phillips