Pt 2: 3 Brilliant Marketing Strategies for More Patients

man on a computer doing marketing strategy

Last week we started our 5 part series about brilliant marketing strategies for your PT clinic. We touched on ideas like updating your logo, offering cash-based services, and creating irresistible offers. This week we’ll look at consistent marketing, direct mail marketing, and tweaking your website for a well-rounded and effective marketing strategy.

Well, let’s dive in!

Consistent Marketing

Consistency is the key to success in any area of life, especially when it comes to marketing your clinic. Rarely does one know ahead of time when they’ll need to seek out physical therapy, which is why you need to remain at the top everyone’s mind year-round.

Year-round marketing doesn’t just include advertising your services or special offerings. You can put out interesting 3rd party articles, create informative blog posts or produce fun and educational videos. Consistent marketing helps you keep your finger on the pulse of your area and stay relevant year-round, even when someone is currently pain-free.

Direct Mail Marketing

You’re probably thinking about blowing this tip-off. Who cares about snail mail nowadays? Lots of people actually! Did you know that direct mail is the preferred method for 54% of consumers? Direct mail offerings and marketing can produce 20% higher ROI than any other method. Here are our best tips for creating effective and attention-grabbing mail pieces.

-Clear Communication: what are you trying to express in your direct mail piece? New hours, new services, new packaged deals, etc.

-Attention-Grabbing Images: Don’t just throw any old photo onto your direct mail piece. Make sure that the images are eye-catching enough that people will do a double-take.

-Provide Your Contact Info: While this might seem like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised how easy it is to forget even the small details. You should mention your hours, address, contact information including email and phone number.

-Entice Them: Offer an irresistible offer to get their attention and get them in the door. Since not every person who comes in may need weeks of treatment, consider offering something unique and special like a discounted massage or class.

Tweak Your Website

When was the last time you looked at your website? You should be checking your site at least once a month. Look for broken links, wrong or out-of-date information, and any missing information that site visitors may want or need to know before coming in.

Our favorite tip to tweaking your website is to place your contact information on EVERY page of your website. This way it’s easy to contact your clinic and make an appointment.

Make the Most of Your Marketing Strategy

As we continue our deep dive into successful marketing strategies, let us know which ones have worked for you and which ones you’d like to see! Additionally, stay tuned for our announcement for the 2019 CPTA Tri-State Conference in Las Vegas!

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Brook Phillips