Our Top Food Picks Near the Boston Convention Center: A Guide for 2024 CSM Attendees

Are you attending the 2024 CSM conference in Boston this February 15th-17th? Get ready to indulge in some of Boston’s best dining experiences near the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. We’re highlighting our top picks for health-conscious attendees seeking delicious meals close to the conference venue. 1. Start Your Day at Farmacy Café Location:  25…

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Our Top 2024 CSM Annual Conference Hotel Recommendations

There’s an air of excitement as we count down to the  CSM 2024 Annual Conference. This year, we’re heading to the historic city of Boston, with the conference taking place from February 15-17 at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center. We’re thrilled to be a part of this  event and we’re eager to join over…

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