5 Things Your Physical Therapy Clinic is Doing Wrong on Social Media

Social media may seem like a no-brainer, easy to use platform and in many ways social media is. However, social media can be surprisingly complicated if you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of how it works.

You might be wondering, “can something so simple really be that complicated?”


If you’re wondering why you’re clinic isn’t seeing result from your social media presence, you could be doing these 5 things wrong.

No Strategy

Because of the seemingly simplistic nature of social media, the #1 mistake brands and businesses make is failing to have a solid strategy. Now, you don’t need to be Don Draper to create a solid social strategy.

The best strategy is to be consistent. This means, consistency in voice, content, and schedule. People should be able to come to your social platforms and gain a feel of what it’s like at your practice; even if they never plan to step a foot inside.

You don’t need to post every day. Though, the way the algorithm is set up, it does favor those who post more. However, this doesn’t mean you should post every hour. Sit down and map out your month’s content with a goal of posting at least 3x a week.

Inaccurate Info in Your Bio

Your social media platforms are like living yellow pages. Not only should user be able to view stunning content, learn something new, but they should also be able to know important information about your clinic.

While Google is still King, social media has become its own resource for searching for information about items, people, and businesses. Your bio, on any platform, should have your business contact information, location, and hours.

It’s imperative that this information is easy to view and access as people have the power of choice. In less than 2 seconds users can easily swipe away from your page, forgetting about you forever.

Using Facebook as Your Website

Because Facebook is free to use, it may be tempting to only use Facebook rather than paying for a domain and server. While there are many pros, it’s still no website.

What’s the benefit of a website? Well, even though people do use social media as a search engine, 81% of people are still using traditional search engines to research a business or service prior to making a decision.

A website acts as an advocate for your clinic 24/7, 365 days a year. Your website is always “at work” even when you can’t be. Additionally, a website adds credibility and can help you make a better first impression.

In fact, 56% of people have stated that they won’t trust a business without a website. As silly as it may seem, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube cannot be used in lieu of an official website.

Not Engaging

It’s called social media for a reason. You’re supposed to be social. If you’re not responding or engaging with your comments online, what are you doing? Your audience is taking time out of their day to leave you a comment.

Why is this important? Well, there’s 2 reasons.

The first reason is that the algorithm prefers content that is engaged with the most. This means if lots of people are engaging with your posts, your post will be favored by the algorithm and shown to a wider audience. Why is this good? Well, you never know where your next patient may be.

The second reason is that not only do people have important questions and concerns, but they want to get to know you. Physical therapy can be a vulnerable experience and many people want to feel confident and comfortable with their therapist. Engaging with your online audience helps instill that confidence online, so you can continue that offline.

Posting Boring Content

It may be intimidating when you’re going up against professional photographers, influencers, etc. on social media. Yet, “boring” content doesn’t just mean visually boring. Boring content is anything that doesn’t really add value to your audience’s life.

People come onto social media to learn, laugh, and be inspired. So, ask yourself, “in what ways can my clinic inspire and teach?”

Some ideas are posting light stretches that are safe to do at home, new services you offer, and the benefits of physical therapy. Many people don’t realize that everyone can benefit from physical therapy. Make sure that your content is reflecting this as well.

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Brook Phillips