3 Tips to Growing Your Social Media Presence

If there’s one thing that Covid taught us, it’s that distance does not matter. Thanks to the internet, social media, and telehealth technology it’s easier than ever now to help patients all over the world. Growing your social media presence can help you reach new audiences, stay in touch with patients, and share important updates regarding your clinic. Here are our favorite tips for growing your social media presence.

1) Get Active

Social media is a fun and effective way to stay in touch with your community, share PT tips and knowledge, and acts as a platform to share important information regarding your clinic. When used appropriately, social media can be a crucial tool in effectively marketing your physical therapy clinic.

But having a profile on a social media platform simply isn’t enough to make for an effective marketing tool and educational platform. Here are 3 things you can do that will help you grow your social media presence and become an authority figure in both physical therapy and your community:

  1. Post regularly

Social media is a beast machine and it needs to be fed regularly. Posting regularly gives social media users a reason to follow you. Aside from creating high-value content, you also want to make sure you’re producing engaging and entertaining content as well. Posting regularly can be time-consuming so creating a posting schedule helps keep you on track and active.

2. Respond to comments

They don’t call it social media for no reason. Even as a physical therapy business, you are still encouraged to engage with your followers and community. This means responding to comments left on your posts and posting comments on other accounts’ posts. Don’t be afraid to have some fun with it! Just don’t participate in derogatory or offensive conversations.


3. Share updates often

Social media is a digital space that allows your community and beyond a chance to get to know you and your clinic and staff on a more personal level. As the digital relationship grows so will interest in what’s happening with your clinicians and clinic. Sharing updates often is a great way to keep everyone connected and informed, as well as a great source of first-party content.


2) Host Live Q&A’s

The majority of people assume that physical therapy is only for the injured and sometimes the elderly. However, physical therapy has immense benefits even for the seemingly healthy and able-bodied. You know those old injuries, certain lifestyles, and incorrect posture during workouts can impact how good we feel. Chronic pain can be alleviated with the help of PT. Hosting Live Q&A through Facebook or Instagram helps you share your knowledge and connect with your audience while answering simple questions. Live Q&A’s allow your followers to experience your expertise in a way that builds confidence and trust.

3) Keep it Human

You don’t have to share like a robot. Let your personality shine through your post captions and images you share. Remember, your social media pages are often the first touchpoint, even before a website, where and when a potential new patient gets to know you. When you keep it human it reminds followers and social media users that there are real people behind the screen.



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Candace Gasper