Want to Incorporate Twitter into Your Physical Therapy Clinic’s Digital Marketing Plan? Here’s What You Need to Know

Twitter is a great way for your clinic or practitioners to connect with other clinics and colleagues to share helpful information and offer solutions. If you’re new to Twitter, here’s a quick crash course on what you need to know:


Twitter allows you to curate lists of Twitter accounts that you enjoy engaging with and following. You can also follow a list. This allows you to view the timeline of tweets of those users inside that list. Utilizing the list feature is great for keeping all of your favorite PTs from all over the Internet in one place.


Have you seen this symbol: “#”? You might also know it as the pound sign. A hashtag is a way for people to file topics and images on Twitter. You can follow hashtags like, #physicaltherapytips to engage with topics tweeted under that tag. Hashtags are not required for every tweet and should be used only when appropriate.

When is a hashtag appropriate? When it adds to the conversation. Avoid using 3 or more hashtags per tweet.


See a tweet you like and want to share it with your followers? Simply retweet it! Retweeting a tweet allows you to share a tweet onto your timeline so that your followers will see the tweet regardless if they follow the original tweeter.


Also known as, “Follow Friday,” this is a special weekly event where you can highlight your favorite accounts. This can be friends, colleagues, or accounts you simply find interesting. Use the hashtag #FF when tweeting out who your favorite Follow Friday suggestions are.


Theses are people who write tweets. If you’re writing a tweet, you’re a Tweeple. Tweeples are simply tweet writers or tweet followers (who sometimes become your tweet friends).


A handle is another word for your username. You may also hear people refer to a username or handle as an “at” or “@”. This is just a fast way to say Twitter user. If you don’t currently have a handle, we suggest making one that references either your name, your clinic’s name, and location.


DM or direct message is a way for you to privately message another Twitter user without your timeline seeing it. DMs are great for answering questions and sharing information directly with another user.

Twitter is a great way to share information and stay in touch with your colleagues and industry thought leaders. However, keep in mind that HIPPA laws are still applicable, so be wary of sharing any personal patient information.

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Brook Phillips