Thinking about attending a PT conference this year but not sure which one? Whether your funds are limited or you’ve got plenty of cash to spend, we can all agree on the fact that our time is limited. Which makes choosing the right conference that much harder. We’ve narrowed down our personal favorites to attend.
And yes, we’ve been to all 3!
Combined Sessions Meeting
February 12-15, 2020
700 14th St. Denver, Colorado
This is THE event for those who want to totally submerse yourself in 250+ events, experience 350+ speciality-specific sessions, 50+ pre-conference programs, and view over 1,000 poster presentations! Hosted by APTA, this conference is designed and executed to help you reach those goals you and your practice have set. No dream is too ambitious for CSM!
Attendees will be able to earn up to 18 contact hours through the various conference sessions. Additionally, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to network, hang out and rub elbows with some of the best and brightest in the industry.
From business management and best business practices to physical therapy speciality area sessions, you’ll have the chance to have a well-rounded experience as a physical therapist, practice owner or both.
CPTA Annual Conference
October 2-4th, 2020
777 Convention Way
Want to join 1,000 of your closest physical therapists from all over the country in sunny California? Then you’ll want to attend CPTA in Anaheim, CA. During your 3 days you’ll exchange and share the best practices and establish new strategies amongst physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.
CPTA has a unique and interactive Exhibit Hall that showcases the latest products, platforms, and services available for the market that are driving innovation within the healthcare industry.
But CPTA isn’t just about sitting back and listening, you’ll also be able to sign up for one of their 20+ educational sessions. During these sessions, you can earn up to 13 Contact Hours. 9 hours can be earned through the educational sessions and 4 can be earned through simply attending the conference.
After the sessions end you can explore Anaheim with your fellow colleagues. Keep your eyes out for our annual CPTA conference overview where we list our favorite hotels, eats, must-sees, and places to get your sweat on!
Private Practice Section Conference
Date TBD
Location TBD
Private Practice Section Conference offers attendees a chance to take a certificate while attending the conference. Comprised of more than 4,000 physical therapists nationwide who own, operate or work in a private practice setting. Every year they conjoin to share, educate, and engage with physical therapists from all over the country.
This is the perfect conference for those who want to earn a certification, gain more knowledge and a deeper understanding of the industry and its advancements. With a focus on advocacy, payment policy, education on practice management, business, marketing, public relations, and business innovation, Private Practice Section Conference offers a wealth of knowledge in one weekend conference.
See You There
Stay tuned for our conference round-ups as conference season begins to kick off. We’ll let you know what our booth number is and offer conference-exclusive deals. See you at the conference!